My approach is characterized by a holistic and sustainable support for families with children with autism and related disorders. Flexibility allows me to take the family’s needs into account without neglecting the necessary methodological tools needed for a successful education of their children.
My work is characterized by a holistic approach. Therefore, consultations take place on a regular basis in the child’s natural environment. The advantage of this approach is that the child spends most of her/his time of the day at home, in the kindergarten or school and for this reason, the education should take place at these times and in these environments.
Additionally, many problems occur during everyday routines, in which parents are often helpless and need advice on how to react best. It’s the only way they can learn to help their children master everyday challenges. If parents have problems with their child while shopping, because the child does not want to go into the supermarket, he always runs away or he throws a fit in the store, the most effective approach is, to analyze the behavior in this exact situation, develop a behavior plan and practice it together.
In order to facilitate the best possible support, a close cooperation between parents and schools, kindergartens and other therapists (e.g. speech therapists, occupational therapists, etc.) is an integral part. Parents know their child best and have many opportunities during the day to support their child. For this reason it is essential that they are well incorporated into the educational program, have the chance to practice it and then be able to implement it on their own.