Learning goals for kids with autism

One of the most important questions to ask yourself as a parent is what your child can learn through the education with ABA / VB and what skill areas are covered.


Overall, it is to say that the objectives and teaching program need to be tailored to each child, as no two children start from the same baseline.


Objectives can therefore look very different:


  • Development of communicational skills (beginning from the development of language, sign language, picture cards (PECS) until the first discussions and conversational skills)
  • Establishment of cooperation and on-task behavior (positive responses to prompts, longer teaching sessions)
  • Development of receptive language skills (first step can be the reaction to one's own name to more advanced skills such as the comprehension of complex verbal instructions)
  • Development of visual skills (puzzles, logical patterns, shapes, recognition of similarities)
  • Development of motor imitation (imitation of behaviors that can be observed, learning through imitation of others)
  • Development of academic skills (mathematics, reading, writing and support in school areas)
  • Development of motor skills (fine motor skills, gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination or hand-hand coordination)
  • Development of daily living skills (toilet training, dressing and undressing, hygienic skills, feeding skills, shopping)
  • Development of social skills (play behavior, social behavior with other children and in groups)
  • Reduction of difficult behaviors (aggressive behaviors, tantrums, crying, etc.)
  • Reduction of stereotyped behaviors (through the enhancement of new alternative skills)






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